Sunday, November 30, 2008

News - Cost of insurance set to increase

The cost of insurance is set to rise as new rules governing the industry come into force on Friday.

Ways to cut down on your car insurance

Insurers take into account various individual characteristics when calculating your premium. The most common of these are your age, gender and how long you've been driving, but they are by no means the only things they will look at.

Colliding with rental insurance

A few years back, OmegaDad rented a car while on a business trip (”The boys and I were playing poker in Nebraska City…”) (inside family joke). During this trip, he apparently scraped the bumper while parking.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

10 things about medical insurance recently published 10 things you need to know about medical insurance, here are their observations: 1. Insurance costs a lot but having none costs more.

Medical Insurance, Broken Fingers, Tips on Tough Drops

Recently I was contacted by a fellow kayaker with questions regarding medical insurance, running drops and some other items. I thought more people might appreciate my answers, so here they are:

Ever Thought About Term Life Insurance?

When it comes to life insurance I have the options provided to me by work. They give me an accidental death and a life insurance policy. I think the life insurance policy is either at 4x or 5x my base salary.

News - QA: Insurance and storm damage

Read source on News - Q&A: Insurance and storm damage.